If a problem occurs with the aircraft prior to your flight, Jet Members will have your back
Irrespective of the best practices and endeavours that are applied to private aviation, on occasion, and like any machine, there may be a fault prior to flight which can prevent it going ahead.
It’s careful to note what can happen in these scenarios - some airlines may offer an alternative solution, but others may cancel the flight under the conditions outside of their control without any recourse, leaving the client without an aircraft or back-up plan. In this event if a substitute aircraft is needed, any additional costs of a replacement may be at the cost of the charterer.
With our experience in the industry and commitment to our members, if in the event of a mechanical fault affecting your departure, we will automatically cover the member up to 40%* more of any additional charge from the initially agreed charter cost, through our own Jet Members Flight Protection (JMFP).