The Gulfstream brand is iconic in private aviation, with many thinking of the classic GV and G650 models. Those wanting to taste the Gulfstream experience without reaching too deeply into their pockets, may find the Gulfstream G280 a nice taster.
This Super Midsized Jet has been designed from the earlier G200 variant, which did have mixed success. But the G280 has also had some radical modifications making this aircraft perhaps a little bit of an unsung hero. Firstly, the wing design is basically a miniature G550 wing, massively increasing its landing and take-off performance, making airports such as London City now open for business. The empennage or tail shape is also new and distinctive, with the horizontal stabiliser being at the top, in a Top ‘T’ configuration. The range is improved as well, with Gulfstream boasting transatlantic capabilities, which could open up a new market for this aircraft if the cost of a Heavy Jet is counter intuitive.
Inside, this aircraft can come in a number of configurations, mostly in an 8 or 9 seat layout, although it is possible to place up to 10 seats, which again could make this aircraft quite a worthy adversary to the likes of the Challenger 350, Falcon 2000, Embraer Praetor and Legacy models. This aircraft does have a slightly dipped central aisle, unlike its competitors, but this could be forgiven if it can achieve a lower price point.
Gulfstream haven’t stopped with the cabin. Improvements in the flight deck are very much apparent, and the aircraft can also be fitted with an Enhanced Vision System (EVS), which honestly looks like something out of a military aircraft, essentially allowing it to see through fog, opening up more airports in adverse weather conditions.
With Gulfstream making substantial investments at London Farnborough, it should have the support it needs to be a successful Super Mid, and the 10 seat variant could actually be quite a good cost per seat option. Our only concern is that competition is fierce and the market share in this category currently isn’t on their side yet. Time will tell but we would certainly never rule this aircraft out of hand.

With various cabin configurations available, the G280 can suit a wide range of needs.